What is the one security breach we have been most guilty of? (Hint: It’s not sharing passwords!)


I have a question for you and I want you to be honest…


Do you have a USB key or Portable Hard Drive?


I’m pretty sure most of you will have answered yes to this? (and probably have or have had more than one?)

Now do any of these scenarios ring true?


"’I'm not sure where my USB is"

"I have lent my USB to other people"

"I have one that’s broken but don’t want to throw it away"

"The last time I looked I saw a project my kids had been working on for school saved on it"

"There is so much stuff on it I couldn’t tell you what’s actually on it"

"I have no idea if any of the data is sensitive"


It’s pretty clear that we have developed bad habits and have all seen the stories of lost unencrypted USB’s when they have hit the headlines.


• Globally, more than 20 million unprotected USB drives are lost each year*

• More than a third of workers (35%) store more than 20 files on their USB flash drives, meaning that the loss of a single USB flash drive can expose a high volume of sensitive corporate information*


The impact of data loss can be felt in varying degrees across different sectors (Health, Education, Finance, Corporate). The impact can be wide ranging; Lost IP, reputational damage, fines, legal costs, restricted access to government contracts and with GDPR coming into force, perhaps it’s time to invest in encrypted USBs / Drives for your workforce?


The challenge around USB usage is that it is now embedded into our “end user” culture. There are those that believe with so many cloud storage options available such as Google Drive, One Drive and Dropbox, that USB drives are no longer required. However, in my experience, storing and transferring large/multiple files or capturing digital scans is still simpler and less cumbersome than using the online options.


So I believe the answer is CLEAR, give them USB’s or portable drives but in a controlled way that gets you to your desired goal… secure data.


“ClearCrypt” A range of USB 3.0 256 bit encrypted Storage devices designed to be robust, secure and cost effective. Privileged, confidential or sensitive data must be protected at all times from unintentional or accidental loss and the ClearCrypt range of devices is designed to make this cost effective, flexible and easy to achieve.